High Quality FR and Rainwear
Neese happens to be one of the major manufacturers of industrial protective clothing. With 60 years of experience, they specialize producing quality rainwear and FR clothing. Acquired by Radians in 2018, and they’re still providing high performance protective apparel. From comfort and high standards of workmanship, you can count on Neese by Radians. They lead the way to a safer tomorrow.
Stop the Heat with Neese FR
First off, Neese FR protects the wearer with inherently FR modacrylic fabric. Meaning they are NFPA 2112 certified (standard on FR clothing) – and are going to be at least CAT 1 or CAT 2. Take your pick with coveralls, work shirts, pants, lab coats, and more. Some styles also provide the wearer with hi-visibility, meeting ANSI standards.
Neese Arc
Then there are workers who have to operate in hazardous environments. Literally in a flash, electrical arcs can cause clothes (non FR) to ignite. That’s where the Neese Arc series’ can provide protection at varying levels of arc flash. The couple of series’ include Dura Arc I, Dura Arc II, Petro Arc, and Flex Arc. Dura Arc I was the entry into arc protection, using PVC on Dupont. It’s protective rainwear that meets the Arc Flash Rating of CAT I (ASTM F1891). Dura Arc II is PVC on woven modacrylic but has an Arc Flash Rating of CAT 2. The Petro Arc and Flex Arc series also have an Arc Flash Rating of CAT (ASTM F1891). Suggested applications range from gas companies, drilling operations, utilities, and electrical maintenance.
Then what happens in an arc flash? Well, an arc flash breaks down into two steps. First a burst of energy, traveling at light speed, impacts the subject. It can reach temperatures as high as 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Then in the second step, it’s a strong shock wave, created by the arc flash.
Neese Chem Shield
Manufacturers of chemicals provide consumers with a large selection of products, used daily. But the productions of these products do not come without risk. Neese’s Chem Shield can give workers’ a last bit of protection for hazardous materials. Workers in chemical plants can get exposed to flash fires and chemical fires. These garments use special materials designed for wear and utility. And can also protect against liquid penetration (ASTM F903) or chemical splash. Neese Chem Shield series include Universal 35, Magnum 45, I-96, and Hydro Tec 35. While the types of garments are jackets, coats, coveralls, and bibs.
- Basic industrial splash protection
- Sanitation
- Sewer and Water Works
- Agriculture
- Pressure Wash Cleaning
- Public Works
Neese Industrial Rainwear
Next, let’s take a look at Neese Rainwear. They keep public safety professionals, workers, and recreationalist dry and safe. Employees at Neese craft rainwear that meets the needs of customers. They’re known for careful attention to detail and using the finest materials. This water-resistant rainwear includes rain jackets, suits, pants, and coats. Also, there are flame resistant and ANSI high visibility styles for the job site.

Neese Viz
When work requires visibility, then the Neese Viz line is for you! Workers’ can stay seen in traffic/work zones, working around heavy equipment, and recreation. Neese Viz offers basic visibility, as well as ANSI Class or Class 3 approved garments. In fluorescent lime or orange, the types include jackets, vests, coveralls, and rainwear. There are lots of outdoor working environments that can create potential for hazards. Dangers can be vehicles moving too fast, distracted or impaired drivers, low light, and more. Neese Viz can be the first line of defense to protect workers. When only the best will do try the Air-Tex series for visibility. Not only are they hi-vis (ANSI Class 3) but they are also lightweight and breathable.
Public Safety
Lastly, the Neese Public Safety line meets the protective needs of uniformed professionals. Offering garments for law enforcement, fire departments, and other public safety officials. Public safety uses specialized materials that go further than your day to day protective wear. The Motorsport 599 series jackets provide protection of the elements and are lightweight. A few other series’ are reversible from black to high visibility. Neese strives to work with professionals in their fields to find out what works best.
In conclusion, Neese goes above and beyond the standard FR and rain gear. There is always the threat of potential hazards, which makes protection vital. Neese organizes its series to help workers’ understand the protection they need. The series again are FR, Chem Shield, Arc, Rainwear, Viz, and Public Safety. And now that Neese is part of Radians, their combined resources and strength can help pave the way to a safer tomorrow