With temperatures on the rise it may be time for you to grab some cooling towels. Anything to keep you a feeling cool so you can move or work longer should be a no brainer. Common cooling towel uses include (although not limited to) construction, traveling, or working out. If you’re interested in learning more about these towels, you’re in luck.
What are Cooling Towels?
First off, a cooling towel is a hand towel with cooling properties. And no, they’re not like normal wet cotton towels. When these towels soak up water they can cool without getting the user wet. They come in two material blends – either a blend of PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) or microfiber. Being outdoors in direct sunlight is reason enough to use personal cooling products – to keep your body temperature from rising to dangerous levels. The towels have several ways you can wear them. Such as across the neck and shoulders, draped over the head, or as a headband – to list a few.
The Two Types of Cooling Towels
One type is made from PVA, which is a blend of polyvinyl alcohol or other synthetics. PVA towels are generally smooth and can often have a side that looks like mesh. They’re soft but will dry hard until they’re soaked with water again.
Then the other style is a microfiber blend – which is a blend of polyesters and synthetic fabrics. These feel like regular fabric to the touch. But will remain soft, even when they’re dry.
How do They Work?
You can activate the towel by soaking it or running it under water. The towels work by evaporation – many times you’ll see the term “evaporative cooling towels.” As the water evaporates, water vapors give off a cooling feeling to the skin – similar to standing in front of a misting fan during the summer.
The cooling effect that the towels provide can last for hours (most brands). And when they stop feeling cool, you simply re-activate them with more water.
should be known, that each brand may have a slightly different way to activate them. Some
may consist of simply wetting the towel, wringing it, or even snapping it.
Instructions can be found on the packaging of the product.*
Most of the towels are reusable and can be washed in a washer machine or hand washed. While the PVA towels will dry hard, all they need is to be run under water for them to be re-activated.
Other Products to keep you Cool

Aside from evaporative towels, personal cooling products could include bandanas, vests, and hats. To keep up work performance, different activities may call for something other than a towel. Or maybe you want more than one article of cooling gear for even more heat relief. As for hard hats – there are cooling pads and neck shades. The majority of cooling products have the same cooling properties as the towels. Then brands like Ergodyne, OccuNomix, PIP, Pyramex, and Radians are all good choices for personal cooling products.
Ending Thoughts
In conclusion, cooling towels can provide much needed relief from the scorching sun. Whether that’s from working out, being on the job site, or relaxing out on vacation – staying cool helps keep you safe. With summer just around the corner, put the worry and hassle of the heat behind you with cooling towels.